Name: Chi Ton , Art History/CIA
Title: Awaken
Dimensions : 15 in(H) x 17 in (L) x 11in (W)
All media used: Adurino board, X-band motion detector, power extension cord, glass plasma globe and light bulb
Brief statement of work : This project was inspired from the sub conscious mind. The plasma globe represents the awaken eye, guarding between parallel worlds of the subconscious and conscience. When people walk by the eye, contemplating between their thoughts, the eye will spark on look for you.
Name: Gregg Horton CIA Art
Title: Primitive Transhumanism: Experiment #2
Dimensions: 12" x 6" x 4"
Media: Arduino, Wire, Glove, Electro-magnets, Electromyography pads, leds
Statement: This piece is the 2nd iteration of exploring the transhuman experience thorough the tools we have available today as opposed to waiting for the future to catch up to our ideas. . Utilising common electronics, I am able to create an experience that resembles things only found in science fiction.
Name: Sean Lueder Studio Art: Sculpture
Title: Relative Position
Dimensions: A small room, the floor space can range from an 8' x 8' to a 12'x12'
Media: Arduino, Infra red sensors, wires, leds, photo resistor, capacitors, 555 chip, and Speakers.
Statement: I want to explore the relation between the observer and the observed. Though the use of sound, I wish for the observer to explore their own relative position in the room. The more active the observer the richer the observed sound experience.
Name: Michael Nardo, CIA
Title: Autonomous Drawer
Dimensions: Floor space, ranging from 8" x 8" to 12" x 12"; RC Car: 11' x 9' x 3'
All media used: Arduino, RC Radio Car, bricks, wood paneling or butcher paper
Brief statement of work: My project consists of a RC Radio car not being controller remotely by a human being, but a micro controller (Arduino). It will be programmed to generate random intervals of movement, giving a higher degree of autonomy towards the machine. As for controlling random movements, it will be placed on top of either a wood board or sheet of butcher paper, with paint markers on the side of the car, creating a randomly generated drawing.
Name: Jennie Cataldo, Broadcast & Electronic Communication Arts, Radio
Title: Ether Radio
Dimensions: 9"x6"x5'
Media used: wires, electronic components, oscillator, metal antenna, potentiometers, microphone, microphone preamp, audio cables, power supply, headphones, wooden cigar box
Brief Statement of work: In the early days of radio broadcasting , the hobbyists imagined radio carrier waves as part of "the ether". It is believed that "the ether" is a medium that can be used to communicate in the spiritual realm. This FM Radio Transmitter encourages those who make sounds in front of its microphone to use it to speak to "the ether".
Name: Arion Sandoval
Title: Theremin
Dimensions: 4'x3'x6"
Media Used: wood, aluminum, integrated circuits, transistors, capacitors, diodes, inductors, potentiometers, resistors, switch, connectors, knobs, antenna, power supply, speaker
Brief Statement of Work: Invented by Leon Theremin in the 1920s, the Theremin was the first electronic musical instrument. Played without physical contact, players wave their hands in the air near vertical pitch and horizontal volume antennae. Try it!
Name: Taryn Oppenheim
Major/Emphasis: Conceptual/ Information Arts
Title: Recycled Nostalgia
Dimensions: 1' x 1' x 0.5'
Media used: N64 controller, arduino, wire, resistors, bluetooth, battery
Brief Statement of Work: I plan to give life to, once again, my old Nintendo 64 controller. By connecting the controller to an arduino and a bluetooth device, I will be able to control my iTunes on my computer. That way, I will always have use for this nifty device.
Name: Ryan Gingerich
Title: Third Hand
Dimensions: 20" x 12" x 3"
Media: Arduino, Wire, Glove, PVC pipes, elastic, servos, fishing line, and flex sensors.
Statement: My project is going to be my "hello world" into robotic experimentation. I will be building a control glove (i.e. "Powerglove") and mechanical hand. When the user wears the glove, the mechanical hand will mimic the user's hand movement.
Name: Shawn McCafferty
Title: Ball Bounce
Dimensions: 2 1/2 ft x 2 1/2 ft x 3 1/2 ft tall
Media: Arduino, Wire, PVC pipe, Motor, Fiberglass, Plastics, Strobe Lights.
Statement: The zoetrope i am building is meant to recreate the basic principles of animation. The piece will demonstrate how an animation works through its process of running. The piece will be still and lifeless until turned on, when the piece starts spinning all the items in front of you will blur and when hit with a strobe light the characters will come to life.
Comments (7)
Katie p said
at 8:42 am on Apr 2, 2012
Name: Katherine Porter
Title: Oxtails alla vaccinara redux
Dimensions : 4'x4'x4'
All media used: steel, wood, bones, goldleaf, motor, motion censor, found objects, monitor and computer, video, glass/plexi-glass,
Brief statement of work : Oxtails alla vacinara is an instalation made to create consciousness of how we relate to the foods we enjoy; specifically meat. The oxtails will form a sort of spice which will 'breath'. upon viewing the censor will trigger a video compiled of peoples mouths eating and discussing meat. The premise is created by the finely set dinning table of which the peice is displayed. There will a sense of detachment from the actual animal, represented by bones covered in gold-leaf.
Martin Santiago Juarez said
at 1:41 pm on Apr 2, 2012
Name: Martin Juarez
Title: treelectromagnet
Dimensions: 4x4x2
Materials: wood, copper, glass, ferrofluid
Brief statement: a satirical exploration of new electromagnet windings which many dissiuluisioned people are pursuing for the purpose of making an over unity machine, instead using the design to make an interesting speaker design
jayde85@... said
at 3:05 pm on Apr 2, 2012
Name: Federico DeJesus Major in DAI Visual Communication
Title: Wireless remote camera trigger
Dimension: 5 x5 x5 inches
Materials: Arduino Uno, IR LED and DSLR (NIKON D90)
Brief Statement: creating a wireless remote transmitter that would work with a IR receiver in a camera to trigger the camera shutter and to take pictures from a distance. Other things that the project will be use for is to control the camera to remote trigger in intervals, so that it constantly take multiple pictures in a set timing.
Shannon Bodrogi said
at 11:03 am on Apr 4, 2012
Shannon Bodrogi
Hacked Toy through a speaker
2x2 ft
toy from the 90's, solder, telephone, amp
a hacked toy makes weird and almost distressed noises. amplifying it should prove interesting and possibly annoying.
Steven Simpson said
at 5:54 pm on Apr 9, 2012
Name: Steven Simpson
Title: Aguana Pump System
Dimensions: 9"L x 25" x 9"
Materials: Arduino, LEDs, Headphone (speaker), Solar Cell, Water Pump
Brief Statement: With the power of pressure, and the sun, comes lights, sounds, and water. Once pumped, the flow sensor will measure the rate of flow. The rate will determine the pattern of colors to the LEDs, and will signal the speaker to play a healing sound - sending good vibes into the water. + It will all be powered by the sun.
Amal said
at 7:14 pm on May 7, 2012
Name: Amal Khan
Title: In Remembrance
Dimensions: 9x9 / 20x20
Statement: Dedications to dear friends.
Christopher Lopez said
at 11:53 am on May 8, 2012
Christopher A. Lopez
"The State You’re In"
Wood, acrylic, edited sound and electronics
Each wall aprox. 7’ H x 9’W
I think of my installations as anxious environments that can elicit a broad range of responses. In this piece, The State You’re In, I am taking a critical view of social psychological experiences. I am attempting to redirect my own personal experiences of mild generalized anxiety into the work for the viewers to explore and react. This piece is activated when the viewer enters the installation. The walls slowly move inward making the viewer very much aware of their space within the piece. In addition, the audio track is looped with a voice asking, “Are you feeling okay?” The power of suggestion may lead the viewers to ask themselves that same question.
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