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by Michael Nardo 12 years, 4 months ago
ART 511.1 Spring 2012
San Francisco State University
Electronics and Robotics in Conceptual Design
Week 2
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
- electricity
- conductors/insulators
- open circuit, closed circuit, short circuit
- power supply, load
- voltage, current, resistance
- Ohm's law (theory)
- Ohm's law (practice)
- Second light bulb: how do we connect it?
- first method:
- what is current?
- What is voltage?
- What is total voltage?
- What is effective resistance?
- second method:
- what is current?
- What is voltage?
- What is total voltage?
- What is effective resistance?
- conservation of matter, conservation of energy
Homework due Wednesday, February 1, 2012 :
- Create your own reference sheet. Show me, but do not hand in:
- Define voltage, current
- Scientific notation and eng. prefix (milli, micro, nano, Mega, Kilo, etc.)
- Resistor color code
- Equation for equivalent resistance of multiple resistors in series
- Equation for equivalent resistance of multiple resistors in series
- Research and read about KVL and KCL
- Explain KVL and KCL in your own words
- Exercises 65 and 66 at https://teachmetomake.wordpress.com/basic-electronic-exercises/
- Read the chapter Basic Concepts of Electricity in All About Circuits, a free online text book
Week 3
Monday, January 30, 2012
- Attendance by roster
- Whose name did i not call who is trying to add?
- Homework:
- Minimum vs. serious
- Put your name on your homework!
- Who is not on
- power supply, load
- open circuit, closed circuit, short circuit
- voltage, current, resistance
- Ohm's law (example)
- Effective resistance of 2 Rs (depending on how they are connected)
- Did we discuss non-linear components? If so, review
- Did we discuss current limiting resistor? If so, review
- graph
- over-current damage
- how to control?
- current limiting resistor
- conservation of matter, conservation of energy
- Resistive vs. non-resistive components
check out kits
- Current limiting resistor with LED
- Measure voltage in resistor, calculate current
- Measure voltage on LED
- Add voltages
- Time permitting, add second LED : voltage drop, current limit
Lecture part b (time permitting):
Additional Homework due Wednesday, February 1, 2012 (in addition to that assigned last week):
Homework due Monday, February 6, 2012
- In your folder, create a page called "resources".
- Identify an alternate source and read about how transistors work. Your source can be online or in print. Name and link to this source in your resource page.
- Create a page called "Inspiration" in your folder.
- On your "Inspiration" page, escribe and link to art and/or artists you find inspiring
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
- Attendance by roster
- Whose name did i not call
- Who is not on
- TAs: take art685 for credit
- Hand in homework
- folder
- ref sheet
- Explain KVL and KCL in your own words
- Exercises 65 and 66
- Books
- voltage, current, resistance
- Ohm's law (example)
- Effective resistance of 2 Rs (series, parallel)
- Same current (series)
- Same voltage (parallel)
- Equivalent resistance in complex circuits
- Power
- Voltage divider
- Transistor
Homework due Monday, February 6, 2012
- In your folder, create a page called "resources".
- Identify an alternate source and read about how transistors work. Your source can be online or in print. Name and link to this source in your resource page.
- Create a page called "Inspiration" in your folder.
- On your "Inspiration" page, describe and link to art and/or artists you find inspiring
- Exercises 67, 68, and 70 at https://teachmetomake.wordpress.com/basic-electronic-exercises/
- Research, provide a link, and read about how a 555 timer works. I do not expect you to understand it completely, but I do want you to have some familiarity when I lecture on this next week.
Monday, February 6, 2012
- Transistor as a switch, binary, digital
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
- Common mistakes
- Introduction to Arduino
Homework due Monday, February 13, 2012:
Monday, February 13, 2012
- The basic 4: input/output, digital/analog
- Software: polling, controlling
- Look at Arduino project inspirations
Homework due Wednesday, February 15:
- Read and understand the basic 4 IO functionality of Arduino:
- digitalWrite(): http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/Blink
- digitalRead(): http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/Button
- analogWrite(): http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/Fading
- analogRead(): http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/AnalogInput
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
- do all 4 functions at once
- Use conditionals (if) and loops (for)
Homework due Monday, February 20:
- There is school on Monday! We will continue working with Arduino . Bring in your laptop.
- I did not get the homework up in time so you have no homework due on Monday
Homework due Wednesday, February 22:
- Read and understand how to make an Arduino sketch communicate with a program on your laptop, e.g. at http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/Graph. We will do this exercise using Processing
Monday, February 20, 2012
Homework due Wednesday, February 22:
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
- visiting artists, scholarships
Lab: Design and implement a system:
- Inputs:
- A photoresistor or other analog sensor
- Outputs:
- analog output (PWM) of 1 LED
- 3 bit binary display of 3 LEDs
- Behavior:
- The value of the analog sensor is indicated in 3 places:
- PWM output
- Same value indicated as a 3 bit binary number
Homework due Monday, February 27:
- Add the following inputs:
- Two switches or other digital sensors
- Add the following output:
- A single LED on a digital output
- Add the following behavior
- The blinking LED initially blinks at a frequency of 1 Hz
- One of the digital sensors speeds up the blinking, 100 ms for every press
- The other digital sensor slows down the blinking, 100 ms for every press
Monday, February 27, 2012
- Attendance
- Show me your working homework
- Finish viewing inspiration
- Continue with homework assignment due today
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
- Continue with homework assignment due 2/27
Monday, March 5, 2012
Chain reaction lab:
- The goal is to get something done quickly
- What you've used: LEDs/light sensors/switches
- What you have learned but not used:: motors/relays/other sensors
- Stick with what you know for now: LEDs and light sensors. We'll get fancier later.
- Other things (Motors, etc.) are OK if you know how to use them but remember the goal
- Have a couple of LEDs so when you get the signal blink a little before passing on to the next piece
- Have a button to activate your trigger so that the next person can test
- Use Serial.println to tune your sensor values
- Use electrical tape if necessary
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
- Servo sweep
- Servo: analogIn
- View "smart spaces" and write report due Wednesday March 14. The gallery is open Wednesdays - Saturdays, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. link to the gallery
- Short presentation on your project concept and plan due Monday March 12.
- Rough project plan, to be handed in, due Wednesday March 14.
Monday, March 12, 2012
- Everyone is to make a short presentation on their project concept and plan. I will have the projector and a computer (not mine) set up.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
- Block diagrams (hw, sw)
- Motor + transistor + PWM + relay
- Second power supply
- Non-functional vs. destructive
- Polarity!!!
- Principles and schematic for each lab
- Blink without delay()
- Motor, transistor, PWM, relay, second power supply
- How to solder ; make tri color LED wand
Homework due 3/26
- Projects:
- Make a page for your project on the wiki, in your folder.
- Describe your project (ok to use the very same text you hanIded in for homework today)
- Include anything else that might be interesting: links to video or audio, links to siimlar work or work that inspired your project, etc.
- Add two etailed block diagrams of your project: one for hardware, one for software. If your project does not involve Arduino then no software is necessary. If your hardware is a kit, try to learn how it works and document that.
- Magic boxes allowed at this point, but eventually you will either solve them or design the project to avoid them.
- Start gathering materials for your project
- Start researching various details of your project. No need to document yet.
- Find and read a tutorial on how to use Arduino to control motor speed and direction. Suggested keywords: Some or all of: Arduino, relay, PWM, motor, reverse
- Read these 4 tutorials on how to solder
- Read this comic book on how to solder
Monday, March 26, 2012
- Resources: stores (mcmaster, grainger, jameco, digikey), mailing lists (dorkbot, sfuc, parts, dprg, noisebridge), places(nb, dorkbot), surplus catalogs(bring)
- Process: Where to start on your project?
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
- Zero1
- Maps and Systems
- Jonathan, Amal, others?
Homework due Monday 4/2
- what is the current highest risk item
- what is the plan to alleviate that risk
- what you plan to do for/in each class
- what you actually managed to do
- problems you ran in to
- plan forward
- what parts, information, and assistance do you need
- Senior art expo: Add your info to this page
- Your name and major/emphasis
- Title
- Dimensions
- All media used
- Brief statement of work, 50 words max.
Homework due Wednesday 4/4
- Book reviews
- Add full title, author, and ISBN number
- You do not need to read the entire book. Read a couple of chapters and skim the rest.
- Did you find the book helpful?
- Was it clear and well written?
- Would you recommend it to someone new to Arduino and electronics?
- Would you buy it?
Monday, April 2, 2012
Hand in homework
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Hand in homework
Monday, April 9, 2012
- Review:
- Parallel voltage, series current
- Maximum current source
- New topics:
- Active both high/low vs. single sided
- Current sinking
- Calendar/schedule
- Project status
Monday, April 30, 2012
- Return ALL books from first round of reports
- Second round of book reports are due on 5/9
- Return of Arduino, kits, sensors , motors, or other things you may have borrowed: Finals week?
- End-of-semester show
- QUICK review of all projects. I especially want to hear from people I don't usually spend time with
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.
Comments (3)
greggah@... said
at 1:41 pm on Mar 26, 2012
How to find parts for projects:
Arion Sandoval said
at 3:12 pm on Apr 11, 2012
cool TED video about hacking Wii-Motes..
Ryan Gingerich said
at 12:44 am on May 14, 2012
Arduino Portal turret: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTSWjkXBHOs
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